Friday, January 13, 2012


Cette carte nous fait découvrir Tolède en Espagne, située à 70 km au sud de Madrid. Tolède fut l'ancienne capitale de l'empire espagnol jusqu'au 16e siècle. Elle a été déclarée site du patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO en 1986. La ville compte 82 000 habitants.
Les monuments les plus célèbres sont : l'Alcazar de Tolède, Santa Maria la Blanca, une synagogue qui est maintenant la propriété de l'Eglise catholique, la cathédrale gothique, le château de Saint Servando et le musée El Greco.
La carte est une vue de Tolède de nuit. L'Alcazar sur la droite et la cathédrale sur la gauche dominent l'horizon.

This card's showing Toledo in Spain, located at 70 km south of Madrid. Toledo was the former capital of the Spanish Empire until 16th century. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. The city has a population of 82,000.
The most famous monuments are : The Alcázar of Toledo, Saint Mary The White, a synagogue that now is owned by the catholic church, the gothic cathedral, the castle of Saint Servando and El Greco museum.
The card is a view of Toledo by night. The Alcázar on the right and the Cathedral on the left dominate the skyline.

Gracias Arianne


  1. I'm glad to see my postcard here. You're doing an amazing (and also titanic) work talking about every postcard that you have received.

    I think you are very busy right now, being the Winner of January, with more than 60 postcard.

    Warm greetings from Spain,


  2. Thank you very much !
    I'm very busy... But all articles about cards received by WOTM are ready and will be published in the next days.
